Florida Blue | Mobile Care Van


We designed and executed a mobile care van for Florida Blue to be popped up at various locations, assisting guests with their health concerns and educating them on routine. We created private areas with the Van for guests to have a private consultation, utlizing partial opacity films on partitions.

The Van design incorporates a quaint photo opp moment with a Brand focused neon sign mounted on slatted wood backdrop and comfy chairs, a check-in station, as well as a tech table for ambassadors to engage with guests showing them how they can check their blood pressure and other routine measures.

The Van area is designed to have a VIP area tjat juxtaposes te van and features overhead stretched sail blue awnings, plush seating, and cool refreshments for currently enrolled Florida Blue members to relax before the big game.

We designed the Van so that all the moving pieces and items can easily be removed and installed for use, and just as efficiently, packed away and stored until its next implementation.



A custom build, designed for a quick and easy set up and breakdown - assemble, utilize, pack it up, and drive away!


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